I spent the last three days working on my house extension. Mostly, I'm just grunt labor and my friend, Geoffrey, is the real brains. He's a toy freak and the newest toy he brought to play with is a pneumatic Palm Nailer. It works on air pressure like a pneumatic nail gun but instead of driving the nail in one blow, it hammers the nail in. "Why, then, " you ask, "don't you just use a nail gun?" I'm so glad you asked. A nail gun is only so accurate. We were nailing Joist Hangers and trying to get through those tiny little holes with a nail gun is well beyond my skill.
A Palm Nailer has a magnet in it so you just place the nail in it and push it into where-ever you want. A smidgen slower than a nail gun but loads more accurate and easier than hammering 32x4 nails by hand.
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