Sunday, September 9, 2007

The first day of the rest of the semester

Well, I did it; I started a Blog. Signing up was a snap, I probably spent less than a minute start to finish and here I am. I have to say I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't required by Technical Fluency.

Since this is a technology blog ... I met the newest version of Microsoft Office this weekend. I can't say I'm much impressed, it took my longer to find the print button than it did to write the couple paragraph Bio (also for Technical Fluency) I hate fighting with the borders and margins and tabs and general helpfulness of word. Give me TextPad any day.

So, I started my Bio, ran out of time before class and emailed the document to myself to finish at home.

the document auto-zipped when I sent it. I didn't realize it happened until I got home so I don't know whether the new Word document format is auto-zipped when stored on the hard-drive or if Gmail somehow did it. Anybody out there using the newest Office care to comment?

Not Cool:
When I went to open it, my copy of Office 2002 couldn't read the new format. Good old Microsoft - when a money making idea hits them, they run with it. "If we made it backwards compatible, nobody would buy our new 'improved' software." Fortunately, a couple minutes of Googling (verb) came up with a Microsoft compatibility pack which I downloaded, installed and voila ... I could read the document I had uploaded.

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