Friday, November 23, 2007


If you haven't heard of Facebook or its primary competitor, MySpace then you've been living under a proverbial electronic rock. They are Social Networking websites where people can give advertisers everything an advertiser would want to know about them - name, address, phone number, email, age, sex, music preferences ... in exchange for telling the world about their new favorite breakfast cereal.

Facebook, created by 23 year old billionaire Mark Zuckerb, is ranked as the sixth most trafficked website in the USA with more than 30 billion page views per month. It boasts 42 million active members, and is expected to exceed 60 million by the end of this year and 200 million by the end of 2008.

Facebook has a rich develpers network with its own, custom Facebook Marked Language (FBML), Facebook Query Language (FQL), API (REST Web Service) and Facebook JavaScript (FBJS). Allowing developers to write full applications inside the Facebook environment. For you database geeks, click here for the Facebook database design.

I think it's a cool concept but before you ask, I do not have an account on either FaceBook or MySpace. I'm just not that excited to have complete strangers know what kind of juice I drink.

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